Mills came, raised Mumbai’s economy to meteoritic levels and faded away just like they never existed. These sick mills now have a lot of hidden secrets that probably people will never find out because of the transformations from mills to malls.

There was this one time flourishing mill in South Mumbai covering large hectares of land and a livelihood for atleast a thousand workers. But slowly by the late 1980’s this mill to had lost its zing and the management began cost cutting and no sooner than later did the mill close down. At one end of the mill was big water body where the waste water of the mill was let this became the favourite spot of depressed jobless people to end lives. The government decided to use its powers to end the suicides at this and reclaimed this spot. But while reclaiming this spot it turned from suicide spot to an accident- prone zone many people and probably a dozen trunks drowned in this water body without a trace.

The woes didn’t end here when the reclamation work ended as many people died there who hadn’t attained salvation. People started getting eerie notions over there and the person we met told exactly what had happened to his aunt more than a decade back when the reclamation work had just ended.

His aunt was a peppy lady in her mid –thirties and was returning home from a family function late in the night from the reclaimed ground when she felt someone consistently following her. Seeing no one around she made a dash home and when she reached all she did was shout and be violent. Whenever she became violent her body temperature rose and her family members thought it was fever that had gone into her head as a result she was behaving in such a way. But consultation of n number of doctors just proved useless because the violent spree just kept on continuing. Until finally the father this person who told us the story had a bout of wisdom and called upon a renowned tantrik.

The tantrik did many rituals and kept muttering some words that even with utmost concentration couldn’t be understood ………However what was important was that it put and end to his aunt’s problem. But what still is fresh is the memories in his and the sweat running down his brow. It is learnt that due the development there are not many ghostly experiences at that place presently. Probably the ghosts also have had a move one ……..


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